Category Archive Business Planning


Partnership Insurance

Usually, partnership insurance plans are simple cross-purchase policies whereby one partner buys individual policies on each of his partners for the equivalent of each of their share capital (or share value at time of taking up the plan).

Trust Company – Can be set up by the partners as a separate company, e.g. ABC Trust Company. The ABC Trust Company then purchases policies on each of the partners. There will be one policy for each partner – owned by the Trust Company for the benefit of the beneficiaries (the Partners). Upon a claim, the tax-free proceeds are paid to the Trust Company. The surviving beneficiaries receive the cash proceeds and then, under a Buy-Sell agreement, purchase the deceased partner’s share from his / her Estate. The purchased share is then distributed equally, or in proportions specified in the written terms of the Buy-Sell agreement, among the surviving partners. This method eliminates the need for multiple policies to be bought by each partner. As with all recommendations, you, as the agent, are reminded to check with your principal company as well as your lawyer (who has to be familiar with company regulations as well as insurance practices) on the feasibility of your proposals.

The Buy-Sell Agreement – This legal agreement should be properly drawn up by a lawyer who is familiar with such procedures as well as the importance of funding such as arrangement.

Points to be included in agreement:

  • How the business is to be valued – an agreed purchase price to be reviewed regularly.
  • Surviving Partners are to purchase Deceased’s Partner’s share from his/her Estate.
  • Surviving Partners are to assume all debts & liability of the business and discharge the Deceased Partner’s estate from any further legal obligations thereafter.
  • The partners are to bind their Estates to the sale of their respective shares in the event of death.
  • Agreement on how this purchase is to be funded. (This is where the method of funding using Life Insurance has to be agreed upon).

When funding by Life Insurance:

  • Ownership & maintenance (premium payments) should be specified.
  • If sum assured is to be reviewed regularly to reflect the value of the business shares.
  • How insurance cash values is to be disposed of in the event the Partners retire.
  • How the life insurance policies (on the lives of the Surviving Partners) now owned by the Deceased’s Estate should be disposed of.
  • Should there be an excess or a shortage (proceeds not corresponding with share values), an agreement on how the difference is to be settled.

Any policy may be used to fund the agreement. However, permanent plans with major illness cover are recommended. Partners, who are critically ill or become totally & permanently disabled would likely be unable to contribute to the business anymore and should therefore, be encouraged to sell-out to the surviving contributing Partners. In exchange, the cash proceeds the afflicted Partner receives for his business share can help him /her tide over hefty medical treatments and other costs involved in making the sudden change in lifestyle.

Feel free to fill up this inquiry form if you have further inquiries on our services.



Group Benefits For Employee

It has been rightly said that human assets are far more important than physical assets. Besides insuring physical assets like factories, offices and plant and machinery, enlightened corporations also provide many employee benefits to attract reward and retain good staff.
The normal group or employee benefits provided are Group Medical, Group Personal Accident and Group Term Life.

Recent developments in medical insurance now present corporations with choices of non-portable insurance, portable insurance or transferable medical policies. There are pros and cons of each and also tax considerations.
Many corporations have group insurances but have not reviewed them for sometime and are missing out on improved premiums and coverage. Besides the run of the mill group insurances, there are several novel schemes to attract and retain good staff. With the lower EPF contribution by employers, companies now have the opportunity to distinguish themselves from others by offering employee benefits.

Please contact us if you are interested in any of the following:

  • Is my firm getting the best of value in terms of coverage, premiums and service?
  • Are my employee benefits competitive (if not superior) to my competitors?
  • Am I attracting and retaining good staff or can I do better by way of implementing some novel employee benefits?
  • Are there advantages to out-source the administration of my company employee benefit schemes?

Employee benefit schemes are meant for the benefit of your staff and also for the benefit of the employer in terms of better welfare, morale and productivity. Are you getting this payoff?

Feel free to fill up this inquiry form if you have further inquiries on our services.


Business Operation Insurance

Businessmen set up business for one primary reason – to make a profit. They face opportunities and risks. Besides market risks, there are a wide spectrum of risks which are generated by the business operations.

Just to name a few:

  1. Destruction of assets by fire and other extraneous perils (storm, earthquake, flood, etc.) and resultant loss of profits.
  2. Burglary.
  3. Liability to workers for their safety (workman’s compensation and employers common law liability).
  4. Liabilities to public.
  5. Professional liability (giving of advice).
  6. Directors and officers liability for wrongful acts and decisions.
  7. Contracts Insurance.


While most businesses have taken up insurance against some or most of these risks, the insurance may not be the most suitable and the coverage may not be adequate. Most businesses have not done a thorough risk audit and consequently may not have identified some potentially catastrophic risks. Many have found out only after a disaster has struck them or their neighboring business.

Please contact us if you are interested in any of the following:

  • To do a review of your business operations risks.
  • To do a review of your present insurances as to appropriateness and adequacy and competitiveness of your premiums paid.
  • To review all your potential liability risks.
  • To consider outsourcing your insurance function.

Feel free to fill up this inquiry form if you have further inquiries on our services


Business Continuity Planning

Of the different business forms, proprietorships and partnerships need business continuity planning most because unless there are well thought out plans, these businesses often die with the death of the owner(s).

Corporations are a separate legal entity and they survive the death of shareholders but there are many problems that can arise if there are no shareholders agreements or other business continuity plans. Financial losses are not the only consequence if there are no continuity plans. Relationships can be strained and even families can break up. Besides the well-known buy and sell agreement, there are other ways to ensure an efficient and successful continuity plan.

Please contact us if you are interested in any of the following:

  • What are the likely business continuity problems that I a sole proprietor face?
  • What are the likely business continuity problems that I a partner face?
  • What are the likely business continuity problems that I, a shareholder, face?
  • What is a buy and sell agreement and can it apply in my case?
  • How do I value my business and how do I determine its potential future value
  • What happens when my business breaks up for other reasons?
  • What is a key-man policy and how can it help in my business continuity plan?
  • How can I find a buyer for my share
  • How can I get a good price?
  • When should I plan for business continuity since I’m still young?

Feel free to fill up this inquiry form if you have further inquiries on our services.


General Insurance

Whether it is your personal or company asset (home, office, furniture, equipment, cargo, stocks ,etc) or your liability exposures, advisers are able to arrange competitive coverage and take care of your servicing and claims.

We provide the full range of General Insurance:

  • Fire Insurance
  • Employers’ Liability
  • Consequential loss
  • Products Liability
  • Public Liability
  • Directors officers Liability
  • Contractors All Risk
  • Engineering Insurance
  • Fidelity Bond, Guarantees & Credit Insurance
  • Marine Insurance
  • Money Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity

We go through the following process to ensure that you obtain value-added advice and solutions:

  • Detailed study of your needs and existing insurance policies
  • Sourcing and Quotations
  • Selection of policy and placement of cover
  • Continuous Service including claims handling
  • And ensuring premiums are competitive at every renewal


Our advice and services are provided FREE. We are compensated by commissions by the insurance companies to compete for your business and we have better negotiating power and market information to obtain good terms for you.

Feel free to fill up this inquiry form if you have further inquiries on our services.